Stop Sign
  • Human trafficking is the organized criminal activity in which human beings are treated as possessions, to be controlled or exploited (as by being forced into prostitution or involuntary labor).

    Who is at risk?

  • Know the Signs

    Social Indicators:

    Avoids eye contact

    Signs of physical abuse


    Substance abuse

    Scripted or rehearsed responses

    AWOL behavior

    Tattoos or branding

    Presence of an older person that is not a parent/caregiver

    Isolated from family and friends

    Multiple phones

  • Safety Tips

    Minimize stops when traveling alone.

    Make eye contact with those around you.

    If suspicious of activity around you, do not act alone if possible.

    Be aware of your surroundings.

    Always have easy access to your cellphone.

    Stay in groups when possible.

  • Internet Safety

    Supervise young children's internet use

    Utilize parental controls

    Encourage children to not share personal information

    Review all games and apps being downloaded

    Research internet safety

    Teach children body safety and boundaries

    Report suspected online enticement immediately

  • Information provided by The Lighthouse, Children's Advocacy Center

    Other Resources:

    National Human Trafficking Hotline 1-888-373-7888

    National Center for Missing and Exploited Children 

    The Lighthouse, Children's Advocacy Center 704-862-6761


    TO REPORT: Call local law enforcement or Gaston County Child Abuse Hotline 704-862-7555