Frequently Asked Questions


    I have a child with an articulation issue; what do I do to help them receive speech services?

    • . Follow the steps outlined on this document. The permission to screen is located .

    Can I have a flow-chart visual to understand the process?

    • .

    If my child has multiple concerns, where do I begin?

    • Start with the foundation skill and build from there.  Think of it as building blocks you must start from the bottom skills and create a strong foundation upon which to build other skills. Your school's educational team will have several ideas for you to implement at home.

    What do I do if a child transfers to another school in Gaston County?

    • The paperwork will need to be compiled into a folder and hand delivered to the new school.  Documents in ECATS will automatically be moved to new school once update is made in Power School. 

    Can you breakdown the differences in Tier I, II, and III?



    How many observations are required for an individual student plan?  Does this mean I need 2 per area of concern?  For example I have a child on a Tier II plan for both ELA and Math?

    • 2 observations are required.  1 should take place during the intervention, and 1 should take place during a whole class setting.
    • You will only need 2 observations total for the learner.



    I am a parent requesting for my child to be tested; what do I do?

    • Contact your child's teacher or the Exceptional Children (EC) team at your school immediately, and they will begin the paperwork process.   for a sample letter to help parents understand this process.  Keep in mind this request must be in writing.  If you need assistance to put it in writing, the school will provide that for you.

    I have received an outside referral for testing; what do I do?

    •  for a sample letter used to notify the parent of the outside referral.  Contact your school's EC team about the outside notification and schedule a meeting with the MTSS team.  

    MTSS Quick Facts

FAQs about Assessment

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