What is the best way for me to contact my teacher?
Information for contacting your teacher will be in your course, and teacher emails are posted on our Staff Directory. Your teacher will tell you how to contact them for the fastest response. Teachers will be available during school hours (8:00am - 3:30pm) by email, phone, or through your LMS.
How do I find out about the live virtual meetings?
When are they? Your teacher will contact you with the times for the meetings. They will be within the hours of 8am-3:30pm.
What is it? A time to meet with your teacher live for mini-lessons or activities.
Is it required? Live meetings are required for elementary students in grades K-5. Live meetings are optional for secondary students in grades 6-12
How do I access it? All levels will have meetings in Google Meet. A nickname will be provided by teachers. Directions for joining a Meet are located HERE.
How much time will it take my teacher to respond?
The teachers have 24 hours to respond to emails. Their work hours are from 8am- 3:30 pm Monday-Friday. They do not respond to emails during the weekend. If they choose to respond after hours, then that is up to the teacher but not required.
Teachers are not required to respond at night, on weekends, or holidays.
How will attendance be recorded?
Elementary (K-5): Students will be counted present when they attend their live class sessions.
Secondary (6-12): Students will be counted present when they respond to a brief discussion prompt in Canvas.
Gaston Virtual Academy follows the 私人影院 attendance policy. Student attendance will be recorded every day.
What are the expectations of students at Gaston Virtual Academy?
To produce authentic and original work
To clarify with the teacher how the expectations of academic integrity apply to any assignment
To communicate with Gaston County Virtual Academy staff about progress
To meet the expectations of your online course provider(s)
To be a responsible citizen both in the digital platform and in society
To work daily and diligently to be successful in your curriculum
To be a self-advocate and know when to reach out for assistance
To commit a minimum of one hour per course, per day
To meet high levels of integrity by avoiding these activities:
Cheating– giving or receiving of any unauthorized assistance on academic work.
Plagiarism– copying the language, structure, or idea of another and representing it as one’s own work.
Falsification–verbal, written, or digital statement of any untruth.
Violation of software copyright laws– unauthorized duplication of computer software (computer piracy), printed material related to computer software, and/or the use of pirated computer software.
How can parents help their students at Gaston Virtual Academy?
Allow your student(s) to produce authentic and original work.
Do not take assessments for/with your student.
Encourage your student to reach out the the teacher directly.
Allow for 24 hours M-F and 48 hours on the weekend for teachers to respond to your emails / requests.
Utilize virtual meeting times appropriately - this is a time for students to receive support and help with the content.
Guide/support students daily by having encouraging and supportive conversations around their coursework/progress and by logging into Canvas/Schoology to assess where they are in their course. (This can often prevent attendance/late work issues before they arise).